Singles Weekend Study 2024

Singles Weekend Study 2024

2024 Eastside Singles Workshop


Friday, August 9 @ 7:00 PM
Saturday, August 10 @ 10:00 AM & 2:00 PM
Sunday, August 11 @10:30 AM

“The Lord sees not as man sees” - I Sam. 16:7

From the beginning to the end, the Bible is full of unlikely characters chosen by God to demonstrate His power through their powerlessness.

Join us for a weekend study for single people in multiple seasons of life (never married, widowed or divorced) as Jeremy Dehut leads us in a study of some Backstage Heroes of the Bible, showing  that if God can use them, He can definitely use us, no matter how powerless we may seem.

Learn more or register to join the study by using the QR code on the right or by clicking here.