Our History

Our History

The Eastside Church of Christ met for the first time on June 2, 1963, at 8:00 a.m. in the building of the Park Street Church of Christ. The congregation was formed with one goal in mind: to faithfully follow God and His Word. Sixty were present for that first service and John Belcher of Auburn, Kentucky delivered the sermon.

The early-morning services were held at the Park Street location for one month. By July 7, the congregation had rented the Eleventh Street school building for a temporary meeting place. John Belcher became the first full-time preacher with the congregation.

On October 27, the first elders were appointed. The first gospel meeting was held November 3-11 with John Belcher speaking. Also in November, the first issue of a monthly bulletin, The Eastside Sower, was mailed.

Property at 1706 Smallhouse Road was purchased and on May 10, 1966, 16 members of the congregation met with the City Planning and Zoning Commission. After a building permit was granted the new building was constructed by Elzie Gary of the Gary Construction Company of Louisville. The new building was occupied in January 1967.

The first gospel meeting in the new building began on Sunday, February 13, 1967, with Robert Jackson of Nashville, Tennessee, doing the preaching.

John Belcher worked with the congregation from its inception until the end of September 1971. Boyd Sellers labored with the congregation from October 1, 1971, until the end of August 1973. John Belcher was asked to return to Eastside and worked from September 1973 until March 30, 1975. An addition to the building, consisting of several new classrooms, an office for the preacher, and restrooms, was started in February of 1974 and completed that following June. Harry & Robert Dalton were in charge of this new construction.

The next preachers to work with the Eastside Church were Jim Parlier, Jerry Cook, Brent Hunter, and David Padfield. John Belcher returned for his third labor with the congregation, working from January 11, 1981, to December 26, 1982.

Bob Buchanon began working with Eastside on January 1, 1983 and continued in this capacity as evangelist for the congregation until October 1, 2000. He remains an active member at Eastside and is devoted to preaching the Gospel throughout the country and around the world. While Bob was working with Eastside, the church continued to increase its work and became very involved in foreign evangelism. In fact, by the end of Bob's time as evangelist, the congregation was assisting in the financial support of seven additional gospel preachers. A new classroom annex, consisting of 8 new classrooms, was started in September 1992 and occupied in January 1993.

On October 1, 2000, Jason Longstreth began working with the Eastside Church. October 1st also marked the first issue of a new weekly bulletin, The Beacon.

On December 18, 2007, Eastside appointed three men to serve as elders: Louis Cook, Bob Husted and Jeff Spears. In early 2008, Eastside appointed four men to serve as deacons: Jeff Brittenham, Derek Hull, Scott Pruitt and Nick Shutt.

In the summer of 2008, Jason Longstreth and his family left Eastside for Tampa, FL,. w Jason began working as a professor at Florida College and with the Forrest Hills congregation as their evangelist. 

On November 9, 2008, Gary Kerr began working full-time with Eastside. Gary and Susan Kerr came to Eastside from Jackson, TN, where Gary had served as the full-time evangelist for 23 years. The congregation has continued to focus on faithfully serving God and has kept its emphasis on evangelism as well. At present, Eastside is helping to support seven  evangelists in the United States and as well as abroad. Gary Kerr and Bob McPherson, who began full-time work in the summer of 2018, serve as local evangelists.  On January 4, 2009, the weekly bulletin, became The Exhorter with other format changes.

In October 2010 a portion of property directly behind the Eastside building was purchased for additional parking and in August 2011 two lots on the north side of the building were purchased with the goal of adding a larger auditorium sometime in the future.

On January 30, 2011, Eastside appointed additional elders and deacons.  Gary Kerr and Scott Pruitt were appointed to join Louis Cook, Bob Husted and Jeff Spears as elders.  Shaun Ayres, Rich Baker, Eric Cummins and Kenney Lee were appointed to join Jeff Brittenham, Derek Hull and Nick Shutt as deacons.

In July 2014 construction began on a new auditorium and on September 13, 2015 the first worship service was held in the new auditorium.  The old auditorium was remodeled to accomodate 4 additional classrooms and an elders' office in May 2016.

On May 10, 2015, three additional deacons were appointed: Doug Blount, Bob McPherson, and Lucas Slavey. On Sunday, August 19, 2018, Dennis Oliver and Deryck Rodgers were also appointed as deacons.

On Sunday, August 11, 2019, Doug Blount and Dennis Oliver were appointed to serve as elders with current elders Scott Pruitt and Bob Husted.

On Sunday, May 15, 2022, four additional deacons were appointed: Shawn Brewer, Nick Chapman, Brad Evans, and Mark Vogel.

On Sunday, June12, 2022, two additional elders were appointed: Keith Barclay and Bob McPherson.

Summer 2024 brought a couple of changes to the Eastside congregation. In May, Wiley Deason and his family moved to Bowling Green from Florence, AL, to begin working with us full-time. At the end of June, Gary Kerr retired from full-time evangelism.

We hope you will join with us in our efforts to serve God.