Online Articles

Online Articles

It Won’t Do Any Good!

Have you ever closed your mind on a subject? Do, you know that when you do that that you put yourself in a position that you cannot learn anything else about it? You are assuming that you know all there is to know on the topic under consideration. Do you know some people are like that when it comes to talking about the Bible and about religion? They don't want to discuss what they believe or what the Bible teaches. They have learned all they intend to learn and have closed their mind on the subject.

Jesus talked about such people as these in Matthew 13:10-15. Isaiah had spoken of such people years before in Isaiah 6:9-10. Paul found a few people like this in Rome (Acts 28:27). And I am sure that there are still some living in our time. Are you one of them? Put yourself to the following test and see if you are one of these — if so, please change.

  1. Are you willing to study carefully any subject the Bible teaches?
  2. Do you feel that a study is a waste of time as far as you learning more?
  3. Have you made any changes in your understanding of the Bible in the last five years?
  4. Do you really listen when someone is disagreeing with you on religious matters?

These 4 questions may help us to see if we have closed our eyes to keep from seeing and have hardened our hearts to keep from understanding and making some changes. Let us be willing to study with an open mind.